Mary Giatra Lemou Biography, Weight & Height, Age, Nationality & Ethnicity

Mary Giatra Lemou Biography, Weight & Height, Age, Nationality & Ethnicity
Mary Giatra Lemou (Greek: ÎœÎ±Î¯Ï Î· Î"Î¹Î±Ï„Ï Î¬ Î›ÎµÎ¼Î¿Ï ,
1915â€"1989) was an Egyptian-born Greek actress. She was born in
Alexandria. She studied theatricals in the dramatics at the National
Theatre and piano at the Greek Odeum of Athens. She first appeared in
the national theatre and the company Marika Kotopoli. In 1936 and 1937
she entered the Artistic Theatre with Tzavalas Karousos where she
played many important roles. She worked with Karolos Coon in the first
theatrical acts by Anton Chekhov and with Thymelikos Theatrical
Company with Linos Karzis in 1938/39. In the spring of 1940, she
entered the accomplishable youth theatrical company at the Zefiros
Theatre. In the summer of 1941, she participated again in another
successful youth theatrical company together with Minis Fotopoulos at
the Nana Theatre on Vouliagmenis Avenue.During World War II
(1942â€"44), there were basic cadets of the public Armed Forces Group
Council in the Middle East, she participated with prolongation in
Egypt, Syria, Palestine and Jordan. From 1944, she entered with her
right to the theatrical company in Egypt, came into the Alexandria
area. In 1945, she took part with her husband with the artistic
council in the first Pancypriot Theatre (Prometheus) where she first
acted in many works until she finished in 1946. In her later years
(1947â€"56), she participated with the actor, director, husband
Adamantios Lemos in his own Lemos Theatrical Company and in 1957â€"67,
worked together in New York in the USA with the only Greek Theatre
Organization in America.She had dramatic actors at the theatre with
spiritual artists and tried interpretatively in a rich repertory which
presented for a few years.Mary Giatra Lemou was educated with
literature and poetry and wrote a book (Zoi oniro ke theatro, Hroniko
1940â€"43, Ζωή ÏŒÎ½ÎµÎ¹Ï Î¿ και Î˜Î­Î±Ï„Ï Î¿, Î§Ï Î¿Î½Î¹ÎºÏŒ
1940â€"1943) and a political council (Apohoi, Athens 1981). She acted
in a Cypriot theatre (1945/46), the dramatic school at Larissa Public
Odeon (1947â€"50) and in New York (1957â€"67), for her stem of that
theatrical company which achieved further. Mary Giatra Lemou Biography, Weight & Height, Age, Nationality & Ethnicity

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