Felix Basch Biography, Weight & Height, Age, Nationality & Ethnicity

Felix Basch Biography, Weight & Height, Age, Nationality & Ethnicity
Felix Basch (1885â€"1944) was a German-Austrian actor, screenwriter
and film director.He first acted in Vienna, and he was a producer and
director for the German film production company U. F. A. Following the
Nazi takeover of power in Germany in 1933, the Jewish Basch was forced
of films and went into exile, moving to the United States where he
appeared in a large number of films acting in character roles. He was
married to Gretl Basch and was the father of Peter Basch. Richard
Tauber was a second cousin of him .Basch died May 18, 1944, at Cedars
of Lebanon Hospital in Hollywood, California, after several major
operations. Felix Basch Biography, Weight & Height, Age, Nationality & Ethnicity

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